Google Internship
An analytic product for Google employees

Role: Product Designer | UX Researcher | UX/UI Designer

Individual Project      Date: 2017/6-2017/11

Category: Data VisualizationDashboard DesignConcept Testing


Last summer, I worked with Google as an UX Intern in an experimental product lab serving a mix role of designer and researcher. I was responsible for transforming a complex machine learning model into a product that can help Google employees improve work efficiency.

Due to NDA, I'm not able to share the details of my project. But here's a snapshot of my internship experience.



After my summer internship ends, I was offered a 12 week extension to work remotely with the team through its friends and family beta launch and a bigger internal launch, where I did more user research, designed a second version based on feedbacks, its onboarding workflow, and the product website.

"Yilin joined our early stage R&D initiative at Google building a new collaboration product. Through user interviewing, research, and rapid wireframing/prototyping, she was critical in humanizing a complex technology and catalyzing the first true UX for our product. She constantly championed the voice of the user throughout the path to our launch. Yilin is fast, thoughtful, and had a ton of self-initiative. I highly recommend working with her."

Other Projects

  • All
  • Experience Design
  • User Research
  • Product Design
  • Website
  • Mobile App
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