360 Security
Redesigning a Product Used by Millions

Role: UX Designer | Researcher | Product Designer

Team Size: 3      Date: 2014/9-2014/10

Category: UX DesignRedesignUser Research


360 Security App is one of the company's flagship product with over 600 million users, it aims to protect Chinese android users from threats of malware and constant spam calls. It is the mobile security app that offers the most comprehensive features in market. By 2014, 360 Security App's growth has slowed down due to increase of competition and out-dated interface.


The company want to re-vamp this product, keep it at the top of the market, and redesign it to reach out to a broader audience.

Team and My Role


My group of three associate product managers participated in a company wide competition that collect ideas for redesigning this product and was one of the five finalist that worked as a think tank to provide ideas for an upcoming redesign.

My Role

In this project, I'm mainly responsible for:

  • Doing qualitative and quantitative analysis on user feedback collected through the app.

  • Interviewing users to better understand their actual painpoints in using the current app.

  • Organizing and redesigning the information architecture of the app.

  • Designing the actual wireframes for our design pitch.


Why such a product is popular?

  • Chinese android phone users have no official place to download apps because government has blocked Google Services, thus easier to catch virus.

  • Mobile payment is a common thing in China, thus most people have important payment information in their phone, which lead to bigger concerns to mobile security.

  • Lots of spam call and texts incoming that interferes with their daily communication.

  • Lots of apps connecting constantly to their server costing huge data usage, but the telecom company only provides limited data plan, making people even more concerned about the data usage.

Research Approaches

Qualitative and quantitative analysis on user feedback

Consult product operations team to discover current issues

Synthesize the findings from previously done user research


1. Current users want simplicity, familiarity, and personality

To better understand existing user painpoints, I aggregated all user feedbacks in the recent three weeks into an excel worksheet and categorize them base on key terms, to locate the liked, wished, and longed for and did in-depth interviews to better understand the context. Through the feedback analysis, we found out that the majority of users required simplicity and customizability for the app.

Request to revert back to the 4.0 version interface that adopt Windows Phone's tile like structure and provides actionable statements on the homepage was the 2nd most frequent request.

Version 4.0 (Older)

Version 5.0 (Current)

Version 5.0 - Scanning

2. 360 Security is packed with features that are too technical.

To better identify current problem and competition, we conducted competitive analysis on key competitors based on their features, information architecture, design, and unique selling point. We also investigated on their product forums, fan groups, and other relevant social media for feedbacks from users to better identify their users' point of view.

We found out that as compared to its competitors, especially its rising competitor Tecent Mobile Security, 360 Security is offering too many functions that are packaged under names that doesn't accurately present its value to users.

"If there's already a speed booster, why do I still need a power speed booster? I felt that its slowing down my phone rather than helping it"

360's Homepage

360's Subfeatures

Tencent's Homepage

Tencent's Homepage 2

3. 360 Security are not very popular among teens and female.

For the user research report, 200+ Surveys, 8 interviews, and 3 focus groups were done to formulate what users care for and whether this app delivers. A lot of it confirms our findings gathered through user feedback platform

One interesting thing that we picked out from the report is that the majority of 360 Security App's current users are young male adults from 19-34.

Women and teenagers are not interested in trying this app because they think it is too complex and function oriented. They want something that is functional but also aesthetically pleasing and easy to use, while the current version is perceived as generic and complicated.


In ideation stage, my team's focus was mainly on the "face" of the app, meaning the homepage and the launcher widget. So most of our exploration and iteration happened on these features.

The first thing that we did is reorganizing the information architecture and try to identify what is the most needed feature that we should show on the homepage.

Option 1: Recategorizing features into categories

For this option, we want to try and incorporate what the competitor is doing, which is grouping features together to make user better understand the meaning. When the user swipe left revealing the features, the top bar will also change to information related to those features.

Option 2: Group features into modes

We want to try and make it as simple for users as possible, and we thought that instead of educating users what each feature is doing and have them setup and perform actions one by one, why not have some customizable mode where users can just click a mode and the features that fit that mode will automatically run.

Option 3: Transform phone status to an avatar

We also thought of transforming phone status and the point system into an avatar with impression to better appeal to females and teens. For this approach, we also decided to transform subfeatures into downloadable plug-ins that will only reveal if users swipe the bottom panel up.

Other Wireframes

Aside from the home page exploration, I also did a lot of explorations on subfeature pages, launcher widget and notification widgets


Leaving just the essentials, transform subfeatures to downloadable plug-ins.

Combined with findings from research, we decided to leave just the six most fundamental components: spam blocker, virus scanner, speed booster, data monitor, payment protector, and app manager. The rest will be transformed to downloadable plug-ins where user can customize based on what they need

Put actions at front and emotionalize the status of phone.

By investigating on the 4.0 version, which was well accepted by users, we decided to transfer what users like, which is status and information presenting in tiles right upon entrance to our design. For example, if there were virus detected, the information below the virus scanner will show 10 safety threats. The background color will also change based on the status of the phone.

With an effort to make it more personal and appealing to teens and women, we also used words such as 'Great! You're Awesome'instead of scores to convey the phone status. We want our users to see it as a personal assistant instead of a tool.


Our final design was highly praised by the CEO, and there was discussion of making it a younger verison that targets students.

The current live version also applied lots of our ideas, including: the notification widget, putting information upfront, and modulizing additional features for download.

After this launch, 360 Security's user base has increased by 24.6%.


Other Projects

  • All
  • Experience Design
  • User Research
  • Product Design
  • Website
  • Mobile App
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